
    摘要随着技术的发展,为了提高工业生产效率,液体浓度测量已显得越来越重要。在工业生产方面,对液体浓度的测量精度提出了更高的要求。    本文研究了基于线阵CCD和折射率测量法的液体浓度在线测量系统。首先,介绍了液体浓度与其折射率的相关知识,在此基础上,设计了基于几何光学法的液体折射率测量系统,并选用CCD作为测量元器件。其次,对线阵CCD做了相关介绍,设计了基于FPGA的线阵CCD驱动时序产生电路,并用QUARTUS II软件对所设计的驱动程序进行仿真。最后,对线阵CCD输出信号采集提出了可行性方案,将CCD输出信号经放大和二值化等一系列过程后,由单片机进行处理。63713

    毕业论文关键词 :液体浓度  折射率  线阵CCD  位移测量 


    Title     Study of liquid  concentration on-line measurement  signal processing system                                               

    Abstract With the development of technology, in order to improve the efficiency of industrial production, liquid concentration measurement has become more and more important. In industrial production,the measuring accuracy of the liquid concentration is put forward higher requirements. 

    The liquid concentration on-line measurement system which is based on linear CCD and refractive index measurement method is studied in this paper.Firstly,the related knowledge of liquid concentration and refractive index is introduce .On this basis,the refractive index of liquid measurement system is designed based on geometrical optics.And CCD is selected as measuring components.Secondly,the design of driver circuit of the linear CCD is described in VHDL,and simulated under Quartus II platform.Finally,feasibility of the linear CCD output signal acquisition is proposed in this paper,the CCD output signal is amplified and two values and a series of course,are processed by the single-chip microcomputer. 

    Keywords  liquid concentration   refractive index   the linear CCD displacement measurement

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2国内外研究现状 2

    1.3本课题的研究工作 3

    2  液体浓度在线测量系统设计 4

    2.1液体折射率测量系统设计 4

    2.2线阵CCD的选用 7

    3  线阵CCD驱动电路设计 15

    3.1TCD1208AP的工作要求 15

    3.2基于FPGA的TCD1208AP驱动时序产生电路 17

    3.3驱动接口电路设计 21

    4  CCD输出信号处理电路 23

    4.1信号放大电路 23

    4.2二值化处理电路 23

    4.3基于单片机的数据处理电路 25

    结论 28

    致谢 29

    参考文献 30

    附录 32

    1  引言

    1.1  研究背景


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