



    毕业论文关键词:微带贴片天线 锥状波束 HFSS  仿真


    Title  Design on circular microstrip patch antenna with  conical beam                           

    Abstract Microstrip patch antenna is a mental patch, which is attached to a thin dielectric substrate. One side of the dielectric substrate is covered with thin mental lamina which is considered as the ground plate, and the mental patch which is made by Lithography etching method,which is attached to the other side of the dielectric substrate. The patch is feed by a microstrip line or a coaxial probe,and it belongs to printed antenna. Microstrip patch antenna has many advantages, which includes small size、weight light、conveniency of mass production、low cost and ease to realize circular polarization, dual frequency and dual-polarization state. 

    Conical beam antennas (CBA) are a kind of antenna whose pattern and polarization are symmetrical in radial direction. The maximum radial direction perges from the normal direction with a specified angle. Because of their omni-direction characteristic in azimuth, a large coverage area can be achieved. Therefore, CBAs are widely used in vehicle satellite communication, wireless local area networks, and navigational tracking systems. 

    First of all, we will introduce the basic knowledge of microstrip antennas. Then we will introduce how to produce conical beam with a circular patch microstrip antenna. Finally it gives a brief introduction of HFSS and design an antenna whose taper angle is 30°and working central frequency is 12.5GHz. Simulation results match well with the design objective.

    Keywords: microstrip patch antenna, conical beam, HFSS, simulation


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 微带天线 1

    1.2锥状波束天线 1

    1.3 本文内容安排 2

    2 圆贴片微带天线模式分析 2

    2.1 微带天线基本理论 2

    2.1.1微带天线的基本类型 2

    2.1.2微带天线的分析方法 3

    2.1.3 微带天线的馈电方式 4

    2.2圆贴片的辐射模式 6

    3 锥角30°的圆贴片锥状波束设计 8

    3.1 工作模式的选定 8

    3.1.1 天线模型的建立 8

    3.1.2 圆形天线工作模式选定 9

    3.2 天线的匹配

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