


    毕业论文关键词   红外图像 频域 空域 增强 算法


    Title   Research on Algorithm of infrared image enhancement           


    Abstract Because of the infrared imaging system is easily affected by defects in the external environment interference and device of the equipment itself, the infrared image with low contrast, low signal-to-noise ratio and complex background, to give us a lot of inconvenience in the identification and detection of the image. In order to improve the image quality of the infrared image, we must try to improve the infrared image. Usually we use the method of infrared image.

    Through the knowledge of digital image processing, image enhancement methods generally can be pided into two categories, one is to enhance the frequency domain method; two is to enhance the method of airspace. Enhancement in the frequency domain method of frequency processing ability is better, but the large amount of calculation. Spatial processing method of real time and strong adaptability, a small amount of computation, but can not effectively control all make it can not reflect the difference in the frequency of each part of the. In this paper, by means of MATLAB on various image enhancement method for infrared image enhancement, and compares their advantages and disadvantages, and pointed out its application scene, summarizes a better way of the application scheme of the algorithm of infrared image enhancement.

    Keywords  Infrared image,Frequency domain,Airspace,Enhance,Algorithm  

    目   录


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  红外图像技术的发展概况及现状 1

    1.2  本课题的研究意义 2

    1.3  本课题的主要研究工作 2

    2  红外图像的背景和噪声分析 3

    2.1  红外图像的数学模型 3

    2.2  红外图像的背景分析 3

    2.3  红外图像的噪声分析 4

    2.3.1  散粒噪声 4

    2.3.2  光子噪声 5

    2.3.3  热噪声 5

    2.3.4  1/f噪声 5

    2.3.5  产生-复合噪声

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