



    Title    RF switch array design                     


    Abstract Firstly, paper introduces the working principle, characteristics of PIN tube in detail, then introduces the basic theory of PIN switch design based on the theory above . After a comprehensive summary of switch design theory, design a low loss and high isolation ratio of parallel single pole, single throw switch. Simulation results show that the designed single-pole single-throw switch, within 4-15 GHZ working frequency band is less than 1.5 dB insertion loss and isolation degree greater than 60 dB, standing wave ratio is less than 1.2. After the designed single-pole single-throw switch must be perfect, design single pole five throw and single-pole nine throw switch based on the SPST designed above. Through simulation, the SP5T and SP9T switch designed are conform to the requirements of the theory, work in the 4-15 GHZ frequency band, insertion loss is less than 1.2, the segregation degree greater than 60 db, standing wave ratio is less than 1.2. Finally, put the nine SP5T switch and five SP9T switch together, constitute a 9 x 5 switch array. Circuit performance basically reached the design requirements. To the design of the switch array study has certain reference value.

    Keywords:PIN tube、microwave switch、switch array

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  PIN开关的研究现状和发展趋势 1

    1.3  本论文的主要工作 2

    2  PIN二极管的基本原理 2

    2.1  PIN管工作原理 2

    2.2  PIN管的等效电路 5

    2.3  PIN管的主要参数 7

    3  PIN微波开关基础理论 9

    3.1  单刀单掷开关的基本理论 10

    3.2  阵列式开关的基本理论 12

    3.3  串并联式开关的基本理论 14

    3.4  单刀双掷开关(SPDT)的基本理论 15

    3.5  开关的基本指标

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