


    毕业论文关键词:立体成像 立体图像实时获取  图形变换  虚拟视点


    Title      The research of point  of  view  synthesis     


    With the continuous development of 2D image acquisition, coding,transmission and display and perfect, two-dimensional information of objects has become far less able to satisfy people's needs, people are now on the reproduction of the real object demand has required to get 3D information reproducing scenery. So the hot spot of research has shifted to the study of stereo imaging and three-dimensional imaging techniques, which are two important branches is the multi-view auto-stereoscopic image real-time acquisition and multi-view auto-stereoscopic display technology. At present the most commonly used stereo image acquisition technology is the same scene in different position synchronous shooting in accordance with the laws of permutations of N camera (point of view) of the N image, then use some algorithm N images on the shooting of synthesis. But this method has a great disadvantage. This approach requires must ensure that N cameras to film, and the control parameters of the camera must be exactly the same, but the accuracy is very high, this point shooting in multiple cameras when it is difficult to achieve. Therefore, multi-view real-time stereo image technology is still difficult to study three-dimensional imaging technology in.

        This paper introduces synchronous images obtained two point or three point of use 2 or 3 cameras, and then use the depth map interpolation or graphic image deformation, virtual view generation each viewpoint, this can reduce the number of camera and shooting, parameters of two or three cameras need only guarantee photography can be the same, but also for the real-time requirement is reduced, so that the complexity of the system is greatly reduced, the virtual viewpoint image generation of stereoscopic image synthesis, validated by subjective evaluation system, the evaluation indicators are close to the actual no algorithm to generate the direct shooting synthetic stereo images obtained, have a good effect.

    Keywords: stereo imaging     Real-time stereo image acquisition   Graph transformation    virtual viewpoint

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