
    摘要基片集成波导(Substrate Integrated Waveguide,简称SIW)是近年来提出的一种新的导波结构,它继承了波导的损耗低、品质因数高、功率容量大等优点,同时也集合了微带的低剖面、尺寸小、易于与其他平面电路集成等优点。基片集成波导的基本结构是利用基片的上下金属板和两排间隔一定距离的金属孔构成波导的金属壁,由于每排金属孔孔间距远小于波长,因此由缝隙泄漏的能量很小,这相当于内部填充了介质的矩形波导,所以能够用矩形普通波导实现的结构也都可以用SIW来实现,比如功分器、滤波器、天线、耦合器、振荡器等。65559


    毕业论文关键词:  基片集成  矩形波导  微带线  带通滤波器 


    Title  Design a L-band bandpass filter based on SIW                 



    SIW is a new guided wave structure proposed in recent years, it inherits the waveguide’s advantages: low-loss, high quality factor and power capacity. It also collection micro strip’s advantages like low profile, small size, ease of integration with other planar circuits, etc. The basic structure of Substrate integrated waveguide is used by the waveguide’s the metal walls which is composed by the upper and lower metal plates of the substrate and two rows of certain distance apart metal hole, because the hole spacing of each row of metal hole is much smaller than the wavelength, energy leaking from the gap is very small, which is equivalent to a rectangular waveguide filled with medium. So the structure which is achieved by rectangular conventional waveguide can also be achieved by SIW, such as splitters, filters, antenna coupler, oscillator, etc.

    This paper describes the empirical formula to convert between SIW and rectangular waveguide. And the conditions of SIW main transmission mode are given based on the rectangular waveguide theory. Then this paper researches the design method of SIW-micro-strip circuit converter. Finally, we design an L-band band-pass filter using the theory and method of a rectangular waveguide filter.

    Keywords  Substrate Integrated     Rectangular waveguide    Micro-strip line     Band-pass filter

    目  次

    1 绪论· 2

    1.1 引言· 2

    1.2 基片集成波导技术背景· 2

    1.3 基片集成波导技术的研究现状· 3

    2 微波滤波器理论及设计基础7


    2.2 滤波器的基本参数7

    2.3 滤波函数的选择8

    2.4 滤波器综合理论简介·10

    3 基片集成波导理论简介·15

    3.1 矩形波导简介·15

    3.2 SIW的结构和其等效矩形波导介绍17

    3.3 基片集成波导—微带转换器结构 19

    4 HFSS软件介绍22

    5 带通滤波器的设计·27

    5.1 带通滤波器设计过程·28

    5.2 设计实例·29



    参考文献 33

    1 绪论

    1.1 引言


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