

    本文首先提出了数据采集系统的基本结构方案,并对各种结构的优缺点进行了分析讨论。而后,确定了多通道同步数据采集系统的基本方案,根据系统的设计要求确定主要芯片。根据各主要芯片的特性,确定数据格式和接口设计。使用Altium Designer设计硬件原理图和PCB。最后,采用模块化方法设计了数据采集系统接口和软件模块,参照芯片设计手册的要求编写了VHDL程序,并使用Quartus 内部集成的Signaltap II进行了测试。



    Title    Design of A 16-channel Synchronous Sampling Interface     Based On FPGA                                                


    With the development of FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array) in its gate capacity and density, the former system realized in discrete components can be accomplished in a single high-capacity FPGA. Compared with traditional system based on Digital Signal Processor or microprocessor, synchronous sampling system based on FPGA has advantages in product cost, sampling rate and reliability that traditional system architectures cannot assimilate. This project requires designing an interface for a 16-channel synchronous sampling system based on FPGA, whose purpose is to reduce hardware cost, simplify the control of microprocessor in the process of sampling and increase the operation efficiency at the same time. 

    First, basic sampling system architectures are presented, and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Then the sampling system architecture of this project is confirmed and main chips are selected according to project requirement. Finally, interface of sampling system and software module are designed using modularized method, and schematic diagrams and program in VHDL are described and tested.

    Keywords  FPGA, Multi-channel, Synchronous sampling, Interface, VHDL

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题背景及意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状和发展方向 2

    1.3  课题研究内容和工作安排 3

    2  数据采集系统结构设计 4

    2.1  多路采集模型 4

    2.2  数据采集系统和技术 4

    2.3  多路采集系统方案和主要芯片 5

    3  数据采集系统硬件设计 8

    3.1  ADC硬件部分设计 8

    3.2  FPGA硬件部分设计 14

    3.3  电源部分设计 18

    4  FPGA接口程序设计 21

    4.1  Quartus II概述 21

    4.2  接口程序总体结构设计 21

    4.3  ADC控制模块设计 22

    4.4  数据转换模块设计 25

    5  软件仿真及PCB设计测试 29

    5.1  软件仿真测试 29

    5.2  PCB设计 34

    5.3  系统测试联调 36

    结论  38

    致谢  39

    参考文献 40

    附录(硬件原理图) 42

    1  引言

    1.1  课题背景及意义

    “数据采集”是指将温度、压力、流量、位移等模拟物理量采集转换成数字量之后,再由处理器进行存储、处理、显示或打印的过程[1]。其相应的系统称为数据采集系统[1]。数据采集系统广泛应用于航空、航天、铁路、交通等工程中,特别是在工业生产、加工和制造业中具有很多应用。数据采集系统的任务是将传感器采集输出的模拟信号并将其转换成处理器能够识别和处理的数字信号,然后输入到处理器进行相应的计算和处理,得出需要的数据和信息 [2]。

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