

    本文首先引入了PCI的基本概念,并对其中的各总线信号加以解释说明,然后介绍了FPGA的发展历史、特点以及设计方法和流程。文章重点在于对PCI总线的Verilog HDL程序的分析,程序共分为6个模块,文章对每个模块的功能进行了解释,各功能模块之间通过实例调用最终实现了整体功能。最后,调用Quartus II软件对程序进行仿真验证,最终结果也进一步加深了我们对PCI接口的认识。

    毕业论文关键字:模块  仿真  功能

    Title   Design of PCI bus interface based on FPGA     



      Created in 1992, PCI bus has been widely applied as scandalized bus of computer systems. It is known as highly performance, which makes it very suitable for the high-speed data transmission between internal computer and external device. As a result, PCI bus has became the replacement for ISA bus as essential bus of PC.

       The basic concept of PCI and each bus signal of it are discussed firstly.Then come with the development history,characteristic,design method and process of FPGA .The paper is focusing on the analysis of the PCI bus progrby Verilog HDL,which is pided into 6 modules. This design explains each module's function and the whole function is achieved by every single module invoking each other under practical cases. Finally,we call the Quartus II software to simulate the program, and the final result it produced also further deepen the understanding of the PCI interface.


    Key Words:module  simulation  function


     目   录 

    1 引言 2

    1.1 本文的研究背景 2

    1.2 PCI的研究现状 2

    1.3 本文的主要内容 3

    2 PCI总线概述 4

    2.1 PCI总线的基本概念 4

    2.2 PCI总线的主要性能 5

    2.3 PCI总线信号线定义 6

    2.4 PCI总线命令 7

    2.4.1 总线命令编码 7

    2.4.2 I/O读命令 8

    2.4.3 I/O写命令 9

    2.4.4 存储器读命令 9

    2.4.5 存储器写命令 10

    2.4.6 配置读命令 10

    2.4.7 配置写命令 10

    3 PCI接口的设计方案 11

    3.1 PCI接口实现思路 11

    3.2 PCI的体系架构 13

    4 PCI接口的具体实现 16

    4.1 FPGA的基本知识 16

    4.2 PCI接口设计 17

        4.2.1 PCI接口顶层模块 18

        4.2.2 配置选择模块 19

        4.2.3 基址检查模块 20

        4.2.4 状态机转换模块

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