
    摘要PCI 是目前个人电脑中使用最为广泛的接口,几乎所有的主板产品上都带有这种插槽,过去常用的是ISA,后逐渐被即插即用的PCI总线所取代[1];WDM使得硬件驱动程序更加稳定,让操作系统对硬件更加有效地控制硬件,除了定义一个驱动程序与操作系统连接的标准接口以外,WDM也指明了驱动程序应该采用的更加模块化的设计。本文主要讨论PCI的发展及特点,总线配置,总线的传输及控制机制等问题,以及WDM的发展,特点,工作原理,驱动程序的模型及其基本结构,最后利用C++,DDK, Driver studio开发PCI设备的WDM驱动程序设计原理,方法,主要探讨其驱动程序的三个模块:硬件访问,中断处理,DMA传输[2].67195

    毕业论文关键词  PCI  WDM   驱动程序


    Title   Design of WDM Driver for PCI Bus Devices                     


    PCI is currently the most widely used in PC interface, almost all motherboards have this slot, we ever used  the ISA, after gradually being replaced by the PCI bus . WDM lets hardware drivers more stable, allowing the operating system to hardware more efficiently to control hardware. In addition to defining a driver with the operating system's standard interface to connect outside, WDM also indicates the driver should adopt a more modular design. This article focuses on the development and characteristic of PCI, bus configuration, bus transfer and control mechanisms and other issues, as well as the development of WDM, characteristics, working principle, the driver model and its basic structure. Finally, introduce  the principles of  development , methods,  using  C + +, DDK, Driver studio,discusses its three  driver modules: hardware access, interrupt handling, DMA transfers.

    Keywords  PCI  WDM  Drive program


    1  引言 1

    1.1  背景介绍 1

    1.2  本课题的研究状况 1

    1.3  论文的主要研究工作 2

    2  PCI总线的研究 2

    2.1  PCI 总线发展及特点 3

    2.1.1  PCI总线发展 3

    2.1.2  PCI总线的特点 4

    2.2  PCI总线配置 6

    2.2.1  PCI配置空间 6

    2.2.2  PCI总线配置 6

    2.3  PCI总线的技术 7

    2.3.1  分时复用功能 7

    2.3.2  即插即用功能 7

    2.3.3  中断共享的功能 7

    2.4  PCI总线传输及控制机制 8

    2.4.1  PCI传输机制 8

    2.4.2  PCI传输控制机制 8

    2.5  本章小结 9

    3  WDM技术研究 9

    3.1  Windows 2000介绍 10

    3.1.1  Windows 2000 的概述 10

    3.1.2  Windows 2000 设备驱动程序分类 11

    3.2  WDM驱动程序特点 11

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