    关键词  图像压缩  DCT   微光图像  小波变换   MATLAB
    Title  Research on Compression Algorithm of Low Light Level  Image                            
    With the development of information technology, image,rich features of its information, has become in an important carrier of information transmission in the communications and computer systems. And as the image information occupy a  large amount of storage capacity, the image compression is an important issue of the image storage. The problem of image compression to be solved is how to maximize the compression of image data, and to ensure that the image reconstruction by the use of these data, the user can accept.
    The paper first describes the content and structural arrangement of the image coding background and papers, and then a detailed image compression theory. Simple analysis of the characteristics of low light level image using DCT-based JPEG compression coding and wavelet transform on the light level image compression research on this basis, respectively, and expounded the basic principles and use MATLAB software simulation program debugging, different compression ratio compression results.
    Keywords  Image Compression  DCT light level image Wavelet Transform  MATLAB
    1 引言    1
    1.1图像压缩编码的必要性    1
    1.2图像压缩编码的可能性    1
    1.3图像编码技术的发展历史和现状    2
    1.4本文研究的主要内容    4
    2 系统理论基础    5
    2.1微光图像特征分析    5
    2.2图像压缩技术基础原理    5
    2.3图像压缩的几种方法    7
    2.4图像压缩技术基础    8
    3 基于DCT的JPEG图像压缩编码算法    11
    3.1 JPEG图像压缩原理    11
    3.2基于DCT图像压缩编码算法的过程    12
    3.3基于DCT的图像压缩编码算法的步骤    12
    4 基于小波变换的图像压缩编码算法    25
    4.1小波变换的基本思想    25
    4.2小波变换的特点    27
    4.3小波变换在图像压缩中的应用    27
    4.4基于小波变换的图像压缩的MATLAB实现    28
    结  论    33
    致  谢    34
    参 考 文 献    35
    1 引言
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