
    SourceWidth                            1280             # Input frame width
    SourceHeight                           960              # Input frame height
    StartFrame                             0                # Starting frame
    TotalNumberOfFrames                    200              # Total number of input frames
    LeftCameraName                         param_champ38    # Name of left camera
    CenterCameraName                       param_champ39    # Name of center camera
    RightCameraName                        param_champ40    # Name of right camera
    MinimumValueOfDisparitySearchRange     1                # Minimum value of disparity search range. This value is not always same as all pairs of views.
    MaximumValueOfDisparitySearchRange     55               # Maximum value of disparity search range. This value is not always same as all pairs of views.
    MinimumValueOfDisparityRange           1                # Minimum value of disparity range. This value is smaller than or equal to minimum value of disparity search ranges for all views.
    MaximumValueOfDisparityRange           55               # Maximum value of disparity range. This value is larger than or equal to maximum value of disparity search ranges for all views.
    SmoothingCoefficient                   4.0              # Smoothing coefficient to compute depth maps
    FileLeftViewImage                      D:\\YUV\\Champagne_tower\\champagne_38.yuv           # Name of left input video
    FileCenterViewImage                    D:\\YUV\\Champagne_tower\\champagne_39.yuv           # Name of center input video
    FileRightViewImage                     D:\\YUV\\Champagne_tower\\champagne_40.yuv           # Name of right input video
    FileOutputDepthMapImage                depth_champagne_39.yuv                               # Name of output depth map file
  1. 上一篇:基于EDA开发平台的红外遥控电机转速电路设计
  2. 下一篇:EDA技术在VGA彩色信号显示控制器中的应用
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  2. 采用纹理特征方法的视频图像分析

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  5. LSSVM采用几何方法的图像观测技术实现

  6. 3D-HEVC视频系统中的深度图编码方法研究

  7. FPGA数字视频信息叠加软件设计+程序

  8. 中考体育项目与体育教学合理结合的研究

  9. 大众媒体对公共政策制定的影响

  10. 当代大学生慈善意识研究+文献综述

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  17. java+mysql车辆管理系统的设计+源代码




