

    毕业论文关键词  冶金起重机  过渡圆角  有限元  机械应力


    Title    Thermel-mechanical Coupling Strength Analysis of Large Rounded Transition Ear Plate Metallurgical Crane Plate Hook  Girder                                                                        


    Metallurgical cranes are important equipment of steel production.Because metallurgical crane lifts weight to more than one hundred tons of liquid metal,affected by the heat and dust and the working environment is very bad,the safety of Metallurgical crane is widespread concerned.In this paper,the plate hook girder of some 420 tons metallurgical crane was studied and the stress situations of the large rounded transition style   ear plate was examined.The structural model was created by Pro/e , using HyperMesh to make discrete grid and using three-dimensional contact element and mechanical model to make numerical simulation analysis.This paper analyzed the mechanical stress situations of the plate hook girder at the ear plate,and compared the effects of different levels of refinement of the grid on the results.

    Keywords  Metallurgical Crane   Fillet   FEM   Mechanical Stress

    目   次 

    1  引言 1

    1.1  冶金起重机简介 2

    2  本课题的研究内容及研究手段 2

    2.1   研究内容 2

    2.2   研究手段 2

    软件介绍 3

    3.1   Pro/Engineer 3

    3.2   HyperMesh 4

    3.3   Ansys 5

    4  结构建模 5

    4.1  分析板钩梁图纸 6

    4.2  建立全尺寸三维模型 9

    4.3   进一步分析、简化模型 11

    5  建立有限元模型 13

    5.1  分析三维模型 13

    5.2  网格离散 14

    5.3  建立有限元模型过程中出现的问题及解决办法 15

    5.4  材料、单元类型及接触定义 23

    6  Ansys加载及接触设置 23

    6.1  板钩梁载荷分析 23

    6.2  加载及接触设置 26

    7  机械应力 26

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