
    Abstract This paper shows service robot system, which provides information cont idering user’s personal attribute. In this research we focused on two attributes, “Preference attribute information and Body attribute information ”. We dcfi“ncd that “Ptejerence attribute inj’ormation ” wa.s in]’orn1ation about preference, which was obtained in daily life such as favorite color,‘“Body attribute information ” was information based on person’s bodily features such as sex. We called them “Personal attribute information ”. The service robot system was implemented in a store based on a new concept “ambient intelligence ”. The networked rohots shared personal attribute information. This paper shows an experiment that the system provides information about clothes by using ”preference attribute information and body70715

    The product becomes high performance.

    Offering the function that suits the inpidual

    The user is mainly regarded.The function that suits the user is offered. (directionality of making to network)

    attribute information ” for the u.ser in a clothing store. Finally  authors  discu.used  the  utility  of  the  .system and

    .suniniarized our service robot .systeni.

    1. Introduction

    The product that is related to IT has been developed, and those products have been high performance. But, functions are installed so many that people cannot use all functions. So, the system and the robot came to offer the function that suited to the inpidual. These are ideas that put mainly the user, and that the system and the robot offer the function that suited to the user. Various systems like “person center type system” came to be united on the network with a rapid spread of the word “ubiquitous network”.

    In this research, we matched “preference attribute information” that is obtained while person lives in the society and “body attribute information” based on person’s bodily features. We defined them as “personal attribute information”.

    And, we made the robot share it, and proposed the system that provided person with support.

    Fig. 1. Interaction between human and systems; This is the background of our research. Recently the product became high performance. And, a lot of functions are installed in them so that it is not possible to treat. Then, the system and the robot came to offer the function that suited the inpidual. These are ideas that put mainly the user, and that the system and the robot offer the function suited to the user.

    2. Networked robot and Ambient intelligence

    Recently, the word “robot” is used in a broad sense than before. The group that researches the networked robot like ATR pides the robot into three types. The three types are “Virtual type robots” installed in the equipment such as cellular phones, “Unconscious type robot” that has the function that is recognition of situation, and “Visible type robot” that talks with person based on situation The different type robots share information on the network each other, and cooperates [1][2].

    0-7695-2882-1/07 $25.00   2007 IEEE

    Fig. 2. Networked Robot; This shows the robot of three types of the networked robot. The three types are “Virtual type robots” installed in the equipment such as cellular phones, “Unconscious type robot” that has the function that is recognition of situation, and “Visible type robot” that talks with person based on situation The different type robots share information on the network each other, and cooperates.

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