
    preference attribute of experimental subject. In experiment, we experimented two case

    6.1. Subjectl

    The system recognized coordinates of user's face and user's finger in the show window. The system recognized whether the right is pointed or the left is pointed or the center is pointed by the difference of coordinates. By doing so, the system recognized the product user pointed. When the user sent personal attribute information from smart phone with keeping to point the product, the system inferred. Information of product that is suitable for  personal  attribute information and information of product user  pointed was sent with mail. When URL of information of the product that user is interested  in is clicked,  the image of the clothes is displayed

    five stages by the question whether liked a recommended product or not. The reason is that the testee was a woman, and there  was  nothing that matched to the body attribute in the data base we prepared. We think that the data base enhances and this evaluation improves. The utility of this system was shown from the result of the average of the   evaluation.

    Fig. 10. Evaluation; This shows result of questionnaire. We had the testee evaluate the system by five stages.

    Fig. 9. Image of experiment; This shows Image of experiment. There are image of pointing, image of tracking, image of show window, image of Subjectl and image of Subject2.

    6.2. Subject2

    In this experiment, we made the data base as  man's tailor. Therefore product  that  body  attribute information was woman was noting in the data base of the shop. Because we think the recommendation of the product not suitable for the body attribute even if the preference attribute is suitable is meaningless in this system, one sentence that “I am sorry there is no product’s suitable for customer's body attribute in our shop”   and   information   of   product   user   pointed is

    In this text, we had the networked robot share personal attribute information, took a new concept “ambient intelligence” to the system, implemented the support robot system for the store, experimented on this system. At the end we showed the utility of the system.





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  2. 下一篇:没有了
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