


    Abstract: Although humanity boasts thousands of languages, many of them are dying at present.There is an increasingly severe trend of language endangerment and disappearance.The large number of Chinese ethnicities explain the various kinds of Chinese dialects and abundant language resources.As a significant part of the Chinese nation,Tujia enjoys rich culture with a long history.With the rapid development of economy and the society as well as more frequent cultural exchanges between China and western countries, the new ideology exerts stronger impacts on traditional culture.Both Tujia language and its culture with a long history have encountered tough challenges.Now is virtually the urgent time when Tujia language is endangered.Therefore, we have no choice but to take targeted and effective efforts to prevent Tujia culture from disappearance.By taking the current situation of Tujia language in Badong County,Enshi City, for example, this theory focuses on the root causes of the decline of Tujia language,and calls on all walks from life to pay great attention to the protection and inheritance of Tujia language by taking measures to ensure its vitality in this new era.

    Key words: Tujia language;Endangered language; Protection and inheritance.






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