Abstract: language is the carrier of culture, which can objectively reflect the cultural, direct. The demonstrative pronouns have the role play a decisive role in language communication. In this paper the basic form of English and Chinese demonstratives "zhe / Na, frequency of use this/that" survey, comparative analysis. The results pointed out that: "the Chinese" use "it" is higher than that of the frequency of use, and usage of "this" in English "that" frequency lower than the frequency of use, thus we can draw the conclusion: demonstrative pronouns in Chinese using the affected heart distance, and refers to the use of pronouns in English prefer objective, actual distance. The Chinese demonstratives used different understanding, is helpful to understand western culture, to promote cross-cultural communication.
Key words: this/that ,distance, Chinese, on translation
一 绪论
(一) 研究的目的与意义
(二) 研究的内容与方法
二 资料收集源:自'751.·论,文;网·www.751com.cn/
语料选自于法国大作家雨果老师的《巴黎圣母院》,英国作家J K罗琳的著名小说《哈利波特》七部,美国作家塞林格的《麦田里的守望者》。分别收集汉英两种版本。见表2-1.
巴黎圣母院 哈利波特 麦田里的守望者
这 3267 11726 1022
那 2352 8822 862
this 1085 3238 328
that 2256 10720 956