    摘 要:由于网络的开放性和网民身份的匿名性,网络原创文学被复制、被转载、被抄袭的现象越来越多,网络原创文学作品知识产权保护的问题日益突出,本文通过运用法律学、社会学和网络传播学的理论,阐释了网络原创文学作品知识产权保护现状,指出了网络原创文学作品在知识产权保护方面存在侵权案件逐年增长、侵权方式日渐多样、侵权案件问责困难等不足,从法律、网络、网民、公众等四个方面分析了网络原创文学作品知识产权保护不力的原因,并有针对性地提出改善策略:完善相关法律法规、加强网络监管、倡导网民自律、增强民众法律意识等,以期对我国网络原创文学作品知识产权的保护提供有益借鉴。

    The Research for the Protection
    of the Original Cyber Literature Intellectual Property Rights
    Abstract:Due to the openness of the Internet and the anonymity of the users’ identity, it is more common that network literature is copied, reproduced and plagiarism. The protection issues of the intellectual property rights for the original Cyber Literature have become prominent. This paper mainly tells about the analysis of the protection of the original Cyber Literature by using the theory of Jurisprudence, Sociology and Network communication. It points out that the infringement cases of the intellectual protection for original literary are increased year by year, the way of tort diversities constantly, tort accountability becomes more difficult and so on. This paper analyzes the causes of the weak intellectual property protection from the aspects of legal, network, Internet users, the public. It also puts forward the improving strategies like improving the relevant laws and regulations, enhancing the network supervision, improving self-discipline, advocating the enhancement of public legal awareness, in order to provide a useful reference to the protection for the intellectual property rights of the original Cyber Literature.
    Key Words: The works of the original Cyber Literature; Intellectual property rights; Protection
    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、网络原创文学作品知识产权保护现状    2
    (一)网络原创文学作品知识产权保护的有益尝试    2
    (二)网络原创文学作品知识产权保护不足    3
    二、网络原创文学作品知识产权保护不力的原因    5
    (一)相关法律不够健全    5
    (二)网络自身发展存在弊端    5
    (三)经济利益驱使    5
    (四)网民法律意识淡薄    6
    三、网络原创文学作品知识产权保护措施的理性思考    7
    (一)完善相关法律法规    7
    (二)加大网络监管力度    7
    (三)倡导网民自律    8
    (四)增强公民法律意识    9
    参考文献    10,3737
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