


    Network Public Opinion Formation Mechanism of

     "Spiral of Silence" Phenomenon

    Abstract:Our country is in the transforming period, which exists various contra-dictions and frenquently opinion of online public. With the changing of the media ec-ology environment, the theory of " Silent Spiral " in the network of online public opi-nion formation mechanism has the new changes, for respectively as: verbal violence -forced the rational voice to silence , the big V lead to form the opinion environment a-nd new group pressure formation, and these changes to our life had a great influence, such as opinion environment is complex and easy to cause public opinion,public opin-ion situation easily be controlled by criminals and it is not conducive to the positive g-uidance of public opinion. In order to make the "Spiral of Silence" play an active role in the formation mechanism of the online public opinion, then propose the following -strategies: improve the ability of the government that can deal with the crisis of gover-nment network,strengthen the mainstream media authoritative information release, i-mprove the ability of distinguish to public information and improve the relevant legis-lation of network communication, so as to create a good public opinion environment -for society.

    Key Words:Network media; Spiral of Silence; Applicability

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、网络舆论及“沉默的螺旋”的概况 2

    (一)网络舆论的形成与发展 2

    (二)“沉默的螺旋”理论的基本观点 3

    二、“沉默的螺旋”在网络舆论形成机制中的变化 4

    (一)语言暴力迫使理智声音沉默 5

    (二)由大V引导的意见环境形成 5

    (三)新型群体压力形成 6

    三、“沉默的螺旋”新变化产生的影响 7

    (一)意见环境复杂易引发舆情 7

    (二)舆情态势易被不法分子掌控 7

    (三)不利于正面的舆论引导 8

    四、网络舆论形成机制中“沉默的螺旋”效应的引导策略 9

    (一)提高政府处理政务网络危机的能力 9

    (二)加强主流媒体权威信息的发布 9

    (三)提高民众的信息辨别能力 9

    (四)完善网络传播的相关立法 10

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