


    GaoGang Government Public Event Crisis Management Capabilities to Enhance 


    Crisis management capabilities of public events is an important manifestation of the government's administrative capability. Local government deal with public crises crisis management capabilities, has caused widespread concern in society, how to enhance the public events of the local government crisis management capabilities has become a very important research topic. In this paper a high port area as an example to explore. Analyze on the basis of in-depth research deal with the performance of the status quo of the high port crisis management process in public events, public events related to crisis management principle, there is a lack of effective crisis early warning mechanism, the coordination mechanisms between government departments, public information and notification mechanism is not perfect, processing and feedback of the crisis of public events is not in place, and other major issues. So, I learn from the advanced experiences and initiatives of public events related to crisis management theory and foreign governments in the crisis management of the public events for the problems of high port the government in the crisis management process in public events, proposed laws and regulations such as sound and improve coordination between government departments, to improve the sudden public crisis events and early warning mechanisms to promote the high port crisis management capacity of public events enhance response to government decision-making and reference for high-Port.

    Keywords: crisis of public events; management capabilities; enhance countermeasures; GAOGANG government

    目  录

    0 引言 1

    1 高港区政府公共事件危机管理研究的理论基础 1

      1.1 公共危机管理理论 1

      1.2政府危机管理理论 4

    2  高港区政府公共危机管理能力的现状分析 5

      2.1高港区简介 5

      2.2高港区政府处理公共事件危机管理能力的现状 5

    3高港区政府公共事件危机管理能力目前存在的主要问题 7

      3.1 缺乏有效的危机预警机制 7

      3.2 政府各部门之间缺乏有效的协调机制 7

      3.3 危机管理中信息公开和通报机制不健全 7

      3.4 公共事件危机处理不力 8

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