


    Abstract:With the advancement of science and technology, the popularity of the network, and the widespread of the self-media, self-photographs are emerging in an endless stream on the network. Putting self-photographs on the network has already become a kind of universal carnival craze and the heat women self-photographs are welcomed continues unabated. My subject will firstly comb the development of the female network self-photographs, and conclude the characteristics of the female self-photographs. Then the issue will from psychology and society angles analyze women network self-photographs motivation, which can be summarized into the following five points: entertainment, confidence-enhancing, fulfillment-gaining, life-recording, and independence-seeking. It sums up three main functions of the women network self-photographs afterwards. They help inpiduals obtain group identification, help women get rid of the yoke of the male viewpoints, help amuse the wide netizen.Therefore the above analysis helps understand why women are so crazy about network self-photographs. Finally the issue points out that as the network mechanism is improved and people’s views and values get mature, the women network self-photographs become more and more positive.

    Keywords: women, network self-photographs, motivation, function

     目   录

    一、  研究对象及概念界定…4

    1.  自拍的定义  4

    2.  网络自拍的定义  4

    3.  女性网络自拍定义  5

    二、  女性网络自拍的发展简介5

    1.  另类表达:女性网络自拍的成长期…6

    2.  展现真我:女性网络自拍的兴盛期…7

    3.  融归生活:女性网络自拍的后现代时期…7

    三、  女性网络自拍者的行为动机…8

    1.  消遣娱乐,打发时间…8

    2.  展现自己,获取自信…8

    3.  满足虚荣心,获取成就感…9

    4.  上传照片,记录生活  …9

    5.  追求独立,为自己代言  9

    四、  女性网络自拍的功能 …11

    1.  暴露自我,获取群体认同…11

    2.  展现自我,摆脱男性视角枷锁…11

    3.  取悦自己,娱乐大众…12




    一、  研究对象及概念界定

    1.  自拍的定义


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