
    3.2 A General Introduction to Nineteen Eighty-Four 7

    3.3 A Brief Introduction to Two Chinese Versions of Nineteen Eighty-Four 8

    3.4 A Comparative Study on Language Style 9

      3.4.1 Diction 10

      3.4.2 Syntactic Structure 11

    3.5 A Comparative Study of Translation Strategies 12

      3.5.1 Ideological Constraints on Two Translators 12

      3.5.2 Poetological Constraints on Two Translators 14

      3.5.3 Patronage constraints on Two Translators 14

    4 An Analysis of the Underlying Reasons for Differences in the Two Chinese Versions 16

    4.1 Reasons for the Differences in Language Style 16

    4.2 Reasons for the Differences in Translation Strategies 18

    5 Conclusion 20


    1 Introduction

    Translation is the equivalent of the target language text to convey the meaning of the source language text. In the interpretation ——to promote oral or signed language communication between different language users —— the translation of the peak text only after the emergence of written literature. Cultural translation is a breakthrough in translation studies, and this translation research has gradually taken place in the dominant position of linguistics in the 1980s.

    As a typical anti-utopian novel, George Orwell's 1984 in the development of British utopian literature occupies a unique and striking position. Unlike the traditional utopian novels, writers portray an ideal political system and a way of life,1984 of course is the opposite ——a nightmare of the world of utopian ideal subversive. Orwell has been pursuing a combination of art and political maturity, and he believes that the spirit of safeguarding man and social justice is his responsibility. In1984, Orwell succeeded in getting rid of the fetters of traditional utopia and fulfilling his ambitions.

    Since the publication of 1984, Chinese literary critics have carried out a great deal of research from the perspective of their subject, artistic characteristics and social influence, focusing on the literary works themselves. However, the study Chinese translation of 1984 has not yet reached the stage of maturity. This thesis will continue to explore the translation of 1984 from the perspective of translation, and examine the main body of translation from different translation period. By comparing and analyzing different versions, the papers try to inquire into the translation of the main impact on the translation. This paper is not only a comparative study of the Chinese version of1984, but also a study of the translator's subjectivity in translation studies.

    This paper consists of five main parts. Chapter one first introduces an overview of the present study and the structure of the whole thesis. The purpose and the significance of the writer’s paper are expressed. Chapter two reviews the study of 1984 translation. In the third chapter, the two Chinese translators introduce different ways of the novel to discuss with the introduction of the translator. Chapter four analyzes the root causes of the differences between the two Chinese versions. The last part is the conclusion of the paper.

    2 Literature Review

    As a literary political novel and anti-utopian science fiction, 1984 is a content, plot and style of classic novels. Many of its terms and concepts, such as Big Brother, Double Think, Thought-crime, Newspeak, and Memory Hole, Since its publication in 1949, it has become a contemporary discourse. More importantly, 1984 makes the adjective Orwellian popular, for example, official deception, secret surveillance, and a totalitarian dystopian characterized by government control and subjugation of the people.

  1. 上一篇:模糊语及其语用功能
  2. 下一篇:没有了
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