
    Abstract New curriculum standards not only stress on the knowledge, ability, process and methods of learning, but also lay emphasis on the improvement of students’ comprehensive language competence. With the development of new curriculum standards, the transition and innovation of teachers’ roles have become an irreversible trend. Under the circumstances English teachers should play perse roles in the teaching process and give the initiative to students themselves in class. The thesis mainly deals with the related problems during the process of the transition and innovation of teachers’ roles under new curriculum with the purpose of prompting the teaching level and efficiency.61483

    Key words: the new curriculum standards;the roles of English teachers;role transition; junior high school



    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 3

    2.1The Foreign Research on Teachers’ Roles 3

    2.2 The Domestic Research on Teachers’ Roles 4

    3.The Challenges Faced By Junior High School Teachers 5

    4. The Role of the Teachers 6

    4.1 Controller 7

    4.2 Organizer 7

    4.3 Participant 8

    4.4 Prompter 8

    4.5 Assessor 8

    4.6 Researcher 9

    5. The Survey of the Current Situation of Classroom Teaching 9

    5.1 The Dialogues Between Teachers and Students 10

    5.2 The In-class Study and After-class Application 10

    5.3 The Teaching Evaluations. 11

    6.  Conclusion 13

    Works Cited 14

     1. Introduction

    The research question of this thesis is the current situation of the role transition of junior high school English teachers in classroom under new curriculum. There are six chapters in the thesis. First chapter is the introduction part. A brief history of foreign language teaching and the definition of teachers’ roles are generalized in it. Second chapter is the literature review part, the domestic and foreign research on teachers’ roles is involved in this part. The challenges junior high school English teachers meet under the new curriculum are expressed in Chapter Three. In Chapter Four, teachers’ roles are identified through analyzing the new curriculum, in which teachers are regarded as controller, organizer, participant, prompter, assessor and researcher of students’ learning activities. The fifth part of the thesis investigates and analyzes the present situation of the classroom teaching in junior high school and some suggestions are given in it, too. Chapter Six is the conclusion part in which some limitations are pointed out.

    Foreign language teaching has enjoyed a long history in China. Since the early 1900s, the study of foreign languages has been considered as one of the fundamental subjects in the curriculum of middle schools. The development of ELF since 1978 can be pided into four major phases: Restoration, Rapid Development, Reform, and Innovation.

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