    摘要: 道路绿化在我国具有悠久的历史,我们的祖先在很早就开始在路边种树,有了道路绿化的意识。随着“三海”水系的形成,在河岸路旁也植了树,逐渐有了游乐与园林景观相交融、绿化与湖光山色相辉映的景色。栽植树木不仅给道路增加了艺术感染力,而且也丰富了城市道路的园林景观。我国道路绿化为了适应新的功能需求,在不断的创新中不断的发展,出现了一条又一条绿化带宽阔、层次丰富、林荫夹道、景观多样、芳草如茵、行车通畅、行人舒适的现代化城市道路,形成了多行密植、层次丰富, 用大树绿化城市道路, 绿化与美化相结合,落叶树与常绿树相结合的特点与特色。
    Urban roads greening and explore the art pieces
    Abstract: Road Greening in China has a long history , our ancestors began very early in the roadside trees, with road green consciousness. With the formation of the "three sea" water system, also in riparian planting roadside trees, greenery and lakes with the initial phase mirrors, blending pleasure and landscape views. Planting trees not only to the road increases the artistic appeal, enriching the landscape of the road. Greening our road to accommodate new functional requirements, development and improvement in the constant innovation, the emergence of a green belt and a broad, rich layers, tree - lined, landscape persity, grasses, smooth traffic, pedestrians and comfortable modern city roads, forming a multi- row and thick, rich layers of deciduous and evergreen trees combined greening and beautification combined with the characteristics of urban road green trees and features .
      Landscape sketch as the city's "detail" is carrying the spiritual and cultural heritage and the lives of residents of the city, is to show the unique character and charm of the city. In this paper, the definition of comedy, function and design is reflected in the culture as a starting point , elaborated generated sketch design influence in the city , designed to broaden the current sketch design provides more ideas , and can promote the healthy development of urban construction excellence landscape sketch designs.
    Keywords: Road green; plant configuration; Art Pieces; design; culture
    1    绪论     4
    1.1研究的目的与意义   4
    1.2国内外研究的背景及发展      4
    2 正文     4
    2.1目前存在的问题    4
         2.11 忽视了绿化与地下管网、架空线路的矛盾      `5
       2.12 片面强调绿化, 忽视道路的交通功能  5
       2.21城市道路绿化的作用和设计原则    `5-6
       2.22 满足道路功能要求     `6
    2.3科学配置和选用植物品种    `7
       2.31 主要考虑种植当地树种   7
       2.32 本地树种和外地树种的少量结合    `7
      3.1道路和艺术小品等设施问题尚需健全     7
         3.11道路和艺术小品等设施问题尚需健全  7
         3.12道路景观及景观小品建设缺乏整体性、连续性   `7
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