    摘要: 展示设计以传达与沟通为主要的机能,是有目的、有计划的形象宣传和形象设计。它通过对展示空间环境的创造和组织来完成整个设计的流程。商业空间展示设计作为展示设计的一个重要分支,它除了具备展示设计所具有的传达和沟通机能外,还具有促进购买的主要目的。4578
    关键词: 人流导向,传达,骑行生活,城市,越野,X极限
    The traffic orientation in the exhibition design

    Abstract: Exhibition design is that is the main function of transmitting and communication , and is purposeful, planned image publicity and image design. It is through the creation and organization of the exhibition space environment to complete the entire design process. Commercial space exhibition design as an important branch of the exhibition design, it also has the main purpose to promote the purchase of addition to convey and communication function with display design.

    Flow of people-oriented term - now more and more decent commercial display design, and its importance is evident. Commercial space to showcase design can best embody its demonstration purposes the flow of people-oriented form of the completion of the creative process, in order to produce the best social and economic benefits are often needed, in the information age, the commercial exhibition has become an important form of promoting the economic development of the ceremony will be the, crowd oriented commercial activities will play a facilitating role.

    As an important part of the process, the selection of the audience of the exhibition order, on the one hand, according to their own hobbies or interests; the other hand, depends on the go open and closed exhibit. Combined with the "GIANT bike experience Exhibition commercial brand instance to explain the display design how to design a reasonable flow of people-oriented.

    Keywords: The traffic orientation,Transmitting,Riding life,City,Cross-country,X-sports
    引言……    1
    一、绪论    2
    (一)研究的目的与意义    2
    (二)国内外研究的背景及发展    2
    (三)论文采用的研究方法与手段    2
    二、展示设计中导向标识设计    3
    (一)对导向设计系统的认识    3
    (二)展示设计中视觉传达的运用    3
    1.    图形设计    4
    2.    文字设计    4
    3.    色彩设计    4

    三、展示设计中人流动线设计    5
    (一)    流向控制    5
    (二)    流量及流速控制    5
    (三)    布展方式控制    6
    (四)    展示设计中无障碍导向设计    6

    四、展示设计中人流导向的重要性    6
    (一)案例一:第二十届中国国际自行车展览会    7
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