     目前市面上比较主流的开瓶器主要有普通塑胶开瓶器,酒刀(小刀开瓶器),T型开瓶器,合金开瓶器(蝴蝶开瓶器),真空开瓶器,电动开瓶器,台式开瓶器 ,墙挂式开瓶器等,我这次的主要深入方向是电动开瓶器,通过其在家庭生活中的作用的调查分析,以及造型以及功能上的研究,再通过以上的分析资料结合大学四年所学的工业设计知识和现实所需的功能,运用rhino软件建模,展现一个可以为大家家庭生活带来真正方便的电动开瓶器。
    瓶器是在1858 年由美国人伊慈拉•华纳发明的到了1925年李曼进行了改良,并在世界范围内广泛普及。建国初期(手工生产阶段);60 年代 (机器生产阶段);80 年代开瓶器进入了转折、发展时期(长足发展阶段)。到了现在开瓶器已经发展到了一个鼎盛的时代,电动式、气压式、多功能式不断在更新和进步。
    毕业论文关键字  电动开瓶器   造型  功能  家庭生活  
    Abstract With the improvement of living standards, people 's tastes have become more sophisticated , more and more people living on the West to pursue , people increasingly prefer to drink wine and wine gradually into people's daily life , traditional life of appliances in China is no bottle opener , but with the West Opener people into the daily life of Chinese history Chinese Opener generally start at the Republican period ( initiation stage ) , although a small bottle opener, it appear not only on behalf of the improvement of people 's living standards improve national machinery also represents the development and manufacturing process. A simple bottle opener is a collection of machinery manufacturing principles and physics of effort. Every work of art is a bottle opener on the mechanical process . Are worth thinking about learning .
      Currently on the market there are more mainstream Opener ordinary plastic bottle opener, wine knife ( knife bottle opener ), T -type opener, Alloy bottle opener ( butterfly bottle opener ) , vacuum bottle opener, electric opening vases , desktop opener, wall-mounted bottle opener , etc. My main direction of the depth of the electric opener, through its role in the family life of the investigation and analysis, and modeling and research capabilities on again through the above analysis of information learned in four years of college combined with industrial design and practical knowledge needed to function , the use of rhino software modeling , to show you can bring a real convenience of electric corkscrew family life for everyone .
    Bottle is in 1858 by the Americans in Iraq chee pull Warner invention to the 1925 Lehman was improved , and world-wide popularity. Early days ( manual production stage ) ; 60s ( machine production stage ) ; turning into the 1980s Opener , development period ( rapid development stage ) . Up to now Opener has developed into a prosperous era , electric, pneumatic , versatile style constantly update and progress.
    For example, use a combination of pressure parts principle , the principle of the lever , gear structure , the structure of the head of the screw , the force on the fulcrum of experience are taken step by step fumble out .
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