     Commercial  Display Design Of Emotion
               ——"Fauvism shop" Concept Building Design Abstract: Now with the development of modern society, the trade show has become an important part of corporate business strategy, its position has become increasingly important. In this business environment, more perse, more and more consumers pay attention to the era of personalized, emotional design is being more and more attention, mainly because it always convey the "people-oriented" design philosophy. Exhibition space can not simply rely on the display of the exhibits and furnishings, but should pay attention to the visitors during the visit experience, participation, communication and psychological feelings. Used properly design will stimulate consumer emotions emotional resonance in the commercial exhibition space, making it the psychological met, produce good memories, virtually narrow the distance between consumers and products induce consumer desire to buy, ultimately purchase. So not only need to consider the trade show functional and aesthetic need, but also to consider the positive impact on consumer psychology, emotional design language used to create modern commercial exhibition space.
        In this paper, in recent years, much-loved "Fauvism shop" concept for the planning and design museum. The museum reflects the concept of emotional design in the trade show in conveyed to the people-oriented design concepts, and emotional resonance to bring new physical and mental experience.
    Keywords: Emotional design, people-oriented, psychological feelings
    一、绪论    4
    (一)研究的目的与意义    4
    (二)国内外研究的背景及发展情况    4
    1.国外发展情况    4
    2.国内发展情况    4
    (三)论文采用的研究方法与手段    5
    二、情感设计在商业展示中的研究    5
    (一)商业展示中情感化设计的三种水平层次    5
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