    关键词  展示设计;室内设计;环境艺术;
    Title      Art display revolution design business                                       
    As the growing needs of current market, Commercial Interior Design is a highly integrated and special subject, which is subordinate to the Interior Design, but has its own characters. It is a new born modern subject, and a combination of Interior Design, Environmental Landscape Design Art, and Exhibition Design, which is a highly integrated subject.
    As a professional Commercial Interior Designer, he or she should have a rich and perse cultural awareness, high creativity, and capable to organize and collaborate.  Also, he or she would better have skillful commercial mall designing ability, and sensitive to modern design developing rules, specializing in the design of the space involved in the design, modeling, sound and light, etc.Strong artistic creation and comprehensive skills, and modern technology and design psychology, ergonomics and other related aspects of academic knowledge are also required.
    A product's elemental design should build on the requirements of customer and the public aesthetician. Thus, it is a highly integrated advertisment, and different from normal advertising, it emphasis on the artistic theme and expression of style designing.
    Keywords  Display design; Interior design; Environmental art;
    目   次
    1引言  1
    2 论文课题研究的目的、意义      2
    2.1商业美陈的起源与发展      2
    2.2百货业的基本信息    2
    2.2.1 百货设置的规律、需求    2
    2.2.2 对百货商场的建筑需求     3
    3 商业美陈的基础展示     4
    3.1 美陈视觉色彩的构成     4
    3.2 美陈展示的运用     4
    3.2.1 vp点展示    4
    3.2.2 橱窗展示   5
    3.2.3 大厅、走廊、入口展示     5
    3.3 美陈展示的主题性     6
    4 前期商业美陈的实地调查、研究   7
    4.1国内商业美陈的现状分析     9
    4.2 商业美陈的普遍性问题     9
    5 本次商业美陈的设计定位方案及说明  10
    5.1设计定位:夏季商业美陈   10
    5.1.1 空中装饰设计  12
    5.1.2 DP点美陈设计  13
    5.1.3 雕塑小品设计  15
    5.1.4 走廊悬挂装饰设计  16
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