    Abstract Toy consumption market in China, after meet the needs of consumers in different competition situation has quietly pulled open heavy curtain, in the limit of development prospects at present, the trend of the development of the toy is predictable.If can be planned.Targeted cost input funds, science and technology, the cross time upgrade of toy industry will be just around the corner, so that can is a child/toy industry of our country in the benefit of contemporary parents and children at the same time, to the generation of more economic benefits.
      At present in our country, the toy industry's strong production ability and the innovation of the relatively weak power has formed the very bright contrast, has formed the situation in which exports more innovation less, since the big tide of reform and opening up, our child/toy industry obtained the leap type development.At present, China's child/toys as many as more than seven thousand enterprises, but most of them wholly foreign-owned or foreign joint venture enterprises.Now 80% of the world's children's toy enterprise producing area is our country in our country is the main output of countries across Asia, and even the whole world toy.Over the years the national toy production is also high.The toy industry has become one of the five backbone of our export products.
    Keywords:Young children, toys, product design
    摘要 I
    Abstract I
    第一章 概述. 1
    1.1 研究背景 1
    1.2 研究目的与意义 1
    1.3 研究内容 1
    1.4 研究方法与步骤 1
    1.5 研究思路 1
    第二章 幼儿早教玩具意义. 2
    2.1 什么是早教玩具 2
    第三章 幼儿早教玩具开发现状. 2
    3.1 国外幼儿早教玩具及玩具品牌开发现状 2
    3.2 国内幼儿早教玩具及玩具品牌开发现状 3
    3.3 对幼儿玩具使用者的市场调研 3
    3.4 总结幼儿早教玩具现有不足 3
    第四章 3-6岁幼儿身心发展特点. 4
    4.1 3-6岁幼儿身体发展特点 4
    4.2 3-6岁幼儿心理发展特点 4
    第五章 3-6岁幼儿早教玩具的设计开发策略和设计原则. 4
    5.1幼儿早教玩具的设计开发策略 4
    5.1.1适合男宝宝的早教玩具 5
    5.1.2适合女宝宝的早教玩具 5
    5.2幼儿早教玩具的设计原则 6
    5.2.1安全性原则 6
    5.2.2启智性原则 7
    5.2.3可利用性原则 7
    5.3外观设计 7
    第751章 总结. 7
    6.1全文结论 7
    6.2展望 8
    致谢 8
    参考文献 8
    第一章 概述
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