    关键词  四旋翼  无人机  航拍  造型  系统设计
    Title    Four-rotor UVA Model Design    
    Based on the basic theory and methodology of the industrial design, this project is combined with the development background of society and technology, aiming at blueprinting the structural design of “Four rotor model of UAV modeling design type”. Through this project, targeting at solving the various problems that face the field of model airplane, such as “appearance”, “manipulation” and “shooting”, then to scheme out the model airplane platform which is suitable for both teaching and studying of university students as well as to offer UAV new ideas, marked by resource-saving and economy-developing. The research of this project emphasizes on the relation between the modeling and function of this product and a better way of expressing on the new product value, via modeling design and details reflect. This thesis enables our comprehensive ability, research ability of combining theory and practice, communication ability and creative ability to be enhanced, trains and inspects our design ability generally.
    Keywords  Four-rotor UAV Aerial Modeling System design  目   次  
    1 引言(或绪论)   1
    1.1  现实课题简介与设计目标    1
    1.2  航空拍摄简介   1
    1.3  航空拍摄现状   1
    1.4  需求背景   2
    1.5  四旋翼无人机的现状    2
    1.6  四旋翼无人机系统的工作原理    3
    1.7  课题的现实意义    5
    2  研究过程和理论依据    5
    2.1  设计的过程和所要解决的问题    5
    2.2  设计理论    19
    3  具体设计方案阐述    20
    3.1  产品外观尺寸及三视图    20
    3.2  产品的材料及加工工艺    21
    3.3  产品的色彩    21
    4  设计思考    21
    结论   22
    致谢   23
    参考文献    24
    1  引言
    1.1  现实课题简介与设计目标
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