

    Urban planning is the basic foundation of construction of cities and the management, to ensure the effective configuration of urban space resources and on the basis of reasonable utilization of land, is to realize the city one of the important means of economic and social development goals.Landscape ecology to urban planning to bring new ideas and new research methods, reasonable planning, space organization and ecological benign cycle, creating a favorable city space environment and the construction efficiency, coordination of urban ecological system, in order to realize the sustainable development of the city.Today's China, accompanied with the process of urbanization city disease drink a lot.How to make use of limited resources reasonable planning and urban sustainable development has become a key issue, the application of landscape ecology in urban planning become a new topic.


    Keyword: landscape ecology;urban planning;sustainable development;Urban landscape ecological planning

    目    录

    引言 4

    1研究目的与研究方法 5

    1.1研究目的与意义 5

    1.2研究方法与技术路线 5

    1.2.1研究方法 5

    1.2.2资料的获取和采集方法 6

    1.2.3技术路线 7

    2渭河花园综合状况介绍 8

    2.1渭河花园人文概况 8

    2.1.1地理区位 8

    2.1.2历史沿革 8

    2.1.3人口和用地规模 8

    2.2自然资源条件 9

    2.2.1地理条件 9

    2.2.2水文条件 9

    2.2.3气候条件 9

    2.2.4植被资源 9

    3渭河花园十年来环境景观的发展变化 9

    3.1十年间渭河花园用地状况的变化 10

    3.1.1  2005年渭河花园用地状况 10

    3.1.2  2015年渭河花园用地状况 10

    3.1.3 十年间渭河花园用地状况的比较 11

    3.2十年间渭河花园绿地构成的变化 12

    3.2.1 2005年渭河花园的绿地构成 12

    3.2.2  2015年渭河花园的绿地构成 12

    3.2.3 十年间渭河花园绿地构成的比较 12

    4发展状况的分析 13


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