
    摘要随着科技的发展、社会的进步,广告信息的表达形式更加的丰富多彩,多维空间逐渐运用到平面广告中。新视觉表现形式的艺术化随时代需求的改变在逐渐发展。传统平面中的设计元素以及二维空间的表现形式已经无法满足人们的需求。本文在平面广告设计向立体化、互动化与“五感”综合的新视觉表现形式的转变进行了阐述。具有三维、四维的空间化和互动性的平面广告在视觉上制造了更具有吸引力的效果,使平面广告在制作载体上增加了突破四边框限制的可塑性。在朝着“多元化”的表现方式的发展中 ,新的视觉表现逐渐涌现,极大的了丰富了平面广告中应用载体和空间环境等多方面的发展、应用。49568

    毕业论文关键词:平面广告设计;立体化;互动;五感; 空间 

    On the new visual expression form in print advertisement


    With the development of science and technology, the progress of the society, the form of the expression of advertising information is more rich and colorful, multi-dimensional space is gradually applied to the plane advertisement. New visual expression of the art of the needs of the change, development as an open art expression means. The information of plane advertisement can be displayed through the multidimensional space, the material is more real. The effect of the final presentation, comprehensive visual, tactile sensory experience, as well as the behavior of the audience to participate in activities. In this paper, the change of the new visual representation form of three-dimensional, interactive and "five sense" is expounded. With three-dimensional space and interactive graphic advertising in the visual production of a more attractive effect, so that the design of print ads to increase the limit of four frames to limit the plasticity. To give viewers a sense of the various aspects of the senses, to achieve the active participation of the audience and interact with the viewer of the contact and a strong visual perception, the print ads to a new realm of art.

    Key Words: Graphic Advertisement Design;  Three dimensional;  Five sense; Interaction; Space

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    一、传统平面广告的表现形式 1

    二、新视觉表现形式中“立体化”的转变 1

    (一)三维空间环境的延伸 2

    (二)视错觉的应用 3

    (三)可触性的体验 3

    三、平面广告中的“互动性”和“五感”的运用 4

    (一)互动广告设计应用 4

    (二)“五感” 5

    四、毕业设计的创作简述 6

    参考文献 8


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