


    Research on interior design of shared office space based on shared economy

    Abstract:With the rapid development of the information age, office space is also rapidly innovating. In modern general office there is a lot like a single, rigid, boring and other shortcomings, so no matter from the economy to or from the point of demand, sharing of office is a necessity, and Shared economic business model has been extended. Like "sharing bikes", Shared office design is a product of human development and the result of a long history of economic development. Share this new concept of office is mainly for modern young entrepreneurs and mobile office, out of economic rationality, rather than the common office than contact with others, this attractive lifestyle to encourage such choice. Also to the difference with the traditional office, should not be boring to work, in the Shared office space, people can communicate with different people contact, become friends, and even become a partner. In doing your job, you're in contact with different people, different things, like in a "Shared community". The so-called sharing, which is "Shared" and "Shared", traces its history to one of the desires of human nature. Primitive human beings are the way of community, sharing food, living space, and living space. The noumenon of the Shared office is the creation of a "community relationship" between people.

    Keywords:Sharing economy; shared office space; sharing; sharing

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 - 1 -

    1.1 本论文的背景和意义 - 1 -

    1.2 本论文的主要研究方法和研究进展 - 1 -

    1.3 本论文的主要内容 - 1 -

    1.4 本论文的结构安排 - 2 -

    第二章  目前国内办公主要的问题 - 2 -

    2.1对于普通办公的认知 - 2 -

    2.2目前普通办公空间中存在的问题 - 2 -

    2.1.1办公空间的功能单一、利用率低 - 2 -

    2.1.2办公空间与整体规划不协调 - 2 -

    2.1.3办公空间风格单调 - 3 -


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