


    Whole friend furniture furniture brand display design

    Abstract:the exhibition hall and exhibition hall we see in life, including the museum, in the layout and decoration are full of hard work, good function zoning and soft outfit collocation can make the exhibition effect to a very high level. At present, although China's furniture level hasn't completely achieved those foreign masters the level of technology, but the overall design level of our country are in love to improve, including the quality of the furniture and other. But now it's getting better and better living conditions, the pursuit of natural things more and more, of course, also more and more high, the furniture is also not only practical requirement, it is in the hope that more practicalTo increase the appearance and high quality on the basis of this article is to quanu furniture brand exhibition design as the theme, we need all kinds of daily life on the rational analysis, integrated into our exhibition hall, let participants experience as home feeling. And the combination of important soft decoration space, every family needs to consider the point of view of humanity, through our exhibition express to you.

    Keywords: furniture; brand; display; design


    上海应用技术学院 1

    摘要 2

    一、绪论 3

     1.1研究的目的与意义 4

     1.2国内外研究的现状 5

     1.3本文研究的主要内容及方法 6

     1.4研究方法 7

    二、家具展示空间中人性化的构造 8

     2.1人性化的设计在品牌展示设计中的概述 9

     2.2人性化的家具展示规划与划分 10

     2.3人性化设计的要素 11

    三、搭配与软装在家具展示设计里的作用 12

     3.1体现企业品牌形象 13

     3.2改善空间的形态 14

     3.3柔化室内的感觉 15

     3.4表现空间的意向 16

     3.5突出展示家具特征 17

    四、人性化的软装在品牌家具里的实行 18

     4.1本次家具品牌展示的特点 19

     4.2全友家私概况 20


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