




    Abstract:This case is located in Huaian. Is located in the ancient Huaihe and the Beijing Hangzhou the Grande Canale intersection, across the north and south of china. Is a national historical and cultural city, the National Garden City, is also one of the ancient culture of the ancient culture of the Yangtze River valley.

    Qing Yan garden in the city of Huai'an is a temporary cast dust Baoyu, after the renovation and expansion to better integrate now Huai'an, combining ancient and modern. The renovation and expansion of the case is based on the original layout of the space on the basis of a reasonable transformation of the landscape planning, so that the regional functions clearly. Through the design space of square shape, leisure green area, plant landscape area and so on. Simplicity of the northern gardens and the combination of modern comprehensive park. Can enjoy the exquisite antique garden, and to meet the comprehensive needs of leisure and entertainment.

    Adhere to the "people-oriented" design principles. To define the functional zoning, to create a suitable space for different groups of atmosphere, designed to form a rich spatial pattern, and the characteristics of the internal structure of a unified. The combination of the modern square design and the original garden, create a whole atmosphere, harmonious and unified integrated service green space.

    Keywords: Qing Yan garden, modern parks, landscape design

    目  录

    1 背景介绍 3

    2 现状分析 3

    3 设计目的意义 3

    3.1 目的 3

    3.2 意义 4

    4 设计方案概述 4

    4.1 设计思路 4

    4.2 设计方法 5

    4.3 设计内容 5

    4.3.1公共设施的配置设计 5

    4.3.2 植物的配置设计 7

    5 创新与不足 9

    5.1 创新 9

    5.2 不足 9

    结  语 9

    整套作品展示 13

    参考文献 14

    致  谢 15

    1  背景介绍


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