    关键词  品牌策划  粮品形象  绿色设计  

     毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title    Grain Products Brand Image Design   Abstract
    The Chinese are using the corn grains for days.The corn grain has a long history of that,the Chinese grain for the main eating habits have followed for thousands of years,as early as 2500 years ago of Chinese medical books HUANGDI has been summarized the healthy diet guidelines:“the grains for the support,the fruits in order to assist,the animals for the benefit,and the dishes for the charge,the smell of joint and service,gas nourishing fine.”
    This subject mainly analyze the current domestic and international food product brand development condition,corn grains in the new time study on people's influence,and try to create a new grains brand for modern people.In the design process,the advertising and packaging design have  make some new attempt.In printing,using only black print,the material used on the kraft paper,rope and canvas,and through the traditional Chinese calligraphy,Chinese painting in the form of a visual identification system design,aided graphic design,and also applied to packaging design,brochure design,logo design,poster design, and hand carry bag design.Making China local grains to have systematic induction and products packaging,improve the value of feature agriculture products in our country,make it into the modern's senior consumer market,as the same time ,cater to the“balanced diet,the grain for the support"concept.
    Keywords   brand planning   grain products image   green design
    目   次
    1 引言2
    2 课题背景2
    3 课题研究价值3
    4 课题研究现状4
    5 品牌整体策划6  
    5.1 “一生仓”品牌由来6             
    5.2 “一生仓”品牌定位 6   
    5.3 “一生仓”品牌设计理念7
    6 视觉识别(VI)系统8
    6.1 VI基础系统8
    6.1.1 标志设计8
    6.1.2 辅助图形设计9
    6.2 VI 应用系统9
    6.2.1 包装设计9
    6.2.2 宣传册设计11
    6.2.3书签设计 11
    6.2.4 海报设计12
    6.2.5 手拎袋设计13
    结论 14
    致谢 15
    1   引言
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