    关键词: 清洁程序; 清洁验证; 无菌药品生产
    Cleaning validation of aseptic pharmaceutical production
    ABSTRACT:Cleaning Validation for aseptic pharmaceutical production is crucial,that is to say they put pollutants control in a primary position. Its purpose is to confirm the cleaning method and procedure are safe and effective and the residue concentration is in the controllable range. Firstly, a multi-criteria analysis method is adopted to the four kinds of products cleaned on the same production line of Shanghai new Asia pharmaceutical company , and the injection lansoprazole score of 16 is the reference, if its cleaning procedure is effective,that is to say, other cleaning procedures are also safe and effective. so it needs to confirm the injection of lansoprazole after cleaning chemical residue sampling .Through the system adaptability confirmation, linear regression confirmation, recovery confirmation test prove the validation method used for high performance liquid chromatography method is scientific and reasonable, and the results of sample analysis also shows that the equipment still has residual contaminants ,but its concentration less than 1.2×10-5g/ml is in the safety control scope. The lansoprazole cleaning procedure is safe and effective, but still need through the review of the daily monitoring data, to determine whether it needs to verify or confirm the periodic revalidation.
    Key Words:  cleaning procedures;  cleaning validation;  Aseptic pharmaceutical production
    目   录
    1绪论    1
    1.1 清洁验证的现状    1
    1.2 清洁验证的目的及意义    1
    1.3清洁验证的范围及作用    2
    2清洁验证前期准备    3
    2.1拟定清洁方式    3
    2.1.1 污染物分类    3
        2.1.2设备设计    3
        2.1.3 选定清洁方式    3
        2.1.4 选择清洁溶剂    4
    2.2制定清洁规程    5
    2.2.1 制定SOP    5
        2.2.2 清洁规程要点    5
        2.2.3 设备清洗规程需要说明    6
    2.3 多标准分析方法介绍    6
    3 验证清洗规程草案    8
    3.1 制定验证方案    8
    3.1.1 验证产品的选择及确定(找最差条件)    8
        3.1.2取样方法的选择    9
    3.2 清洁分析方法的验证    11
    3.2.1取样方法验证    11
    3.2.2检验方法验证    12
    3.3清洁方法的监控与再验证    13
    3.3.1日常监控    13
    3.3.2变更管理    14
    4实验    15
    4.1实验内容及结果    15
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