    本文以自主研制的ABB机器人IRB 120作为载体,通过理论研究和实验验证相结合的方式,系统深入地研究了ABB机器人的运动学,并为ABB机器人的开发应用提供一套有效的理论和技术解决方案。
    Method to study the motion of ABB robot control
    In 1954, the first electronic programmable robot born in the United States since then, robots are no longer science fiction novelist Czech Republic, and many scientists and engineers struggle to become a lifelong goal. After 50 years of development, robotics and application of foreign gradually matured and created a Yaskawa, Panasonic, KUKA, ABB, iRobot robots and a number of well-known companies. Today, robots have become automated production lines, flexible manufacturing systems essential units in service worldwide by the end of 2004 more than one million units of industrial robots in 2005, the annual growth rate reached a record 30%, with Asia robot increase of up to 43% , the number of newly installed worldwide in 2007 more than 100,000 sets of industrial robots. Research and application of robots far not stopped, but in the ever-changing speed to intelligent, modular and systematic direction, its applications from traditional manufacturing to construction, agriculture, disaster prevention, medical, cosmic ocean development and other fields, even fields closely related to human activities and entertainment, family services expand.
    However, robotics is a set of institutions, electronics technology, computer technology, sensor technology, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, and bionics and other high-tech multi-disciplinary Because basic manufacturing technology, multi-disciplinary integration and to promote industrialization, etc. influenced by many factors, although our country began in 1972 to develop industrial robots, but has not formed brands, domestic equipment, industrial robots are mainly dependent on imports. Thus, both in theory and technology to track the international advanced level, or services in the application of the domestic manufacturing industry, further research robot key common theories and techniques to identify constraints robot localization of core issues and solutions, have a very important significance.
    In this paper, independently developed the ABB IRB 120 robot as a carrier, through theoretical studies and experimental validation combination, the system in-depth study of the ABB robot kinematics, and provides an effective technology solutions for the development of the theory and application of ABB robots solution.
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