

    自动机器人的控制系统分为硬件系统和软件系统两部分。硬件部分设计介绍了本次比赛自动机器人控制系统实现所需要的DSP主控制器、FPGA信号采集板、以及电机驱动器,本设计使用Quartus II 软件设计了信号采集模块以及FPGA和DSP的通讯模块。软件部分设计并实现了一个两轮差动式机器人的定位与运动控制系统,采用了基于编码器的航迹推算模型,并提出了相应的修正方法。在实现基于码盘的轮式机器人定位的基础上,初步探究了基于码盘的传感器定位算法。66197

    毕业论文关键词   自动机器人  DSP  FPGA  光电编码器  航迹推算  


    Title    2013 Asia-Pacific Vietnam Robotics Competition                    

         - The Design and Implementation of Auto Robot Control System                                               


    The main task of this paper is to illustrate the design and implementation of an automatic robot’s control system, with the background of ABU ASIA-PACIFIC ROBOT CONTEST 2013 qualifying trial in China.

    The automatic robot control system consists of two subsystems: hardware and software systems. The hardware part of the system is responsible for the design and implementment of the circuit board for the game. In order to meet the requirements of the hardware system, the Quartus II software is applied to design the Signal acquisition module and the Communication of FPGA-DSP module. The software part of the system is responsible for the design and realization of control systems based on the robot with two wheels which move with different speed. The encoder-based dead reckoning model is used and the correction method is proposed. Based on the above we preliminary make a thorough inquiry of sensor fusion location of Gyroscope, and handle gyro random drift based on a simple test and handling.

    Keywords  Automatic robot  DSP  FPGA  photoelectric encoder  Dead reckoning

    目 录

    1 引言 1

    1.1 机器人概述 1

    1.2 选题背景和主要任务分析 2

    2 比赛规则分析 3

    2.1 比赛主题介绍 3

    2.2 比赛规则介绍 3

    2.3 比赛场地介绍 4

    2.4 比赛道具介绍 4

    2.5 自动机器人的任务与功能 5

    2.6 本章小结 5

    3 自动机器人的机械结构和控制系统的硬件设计 5

    3.1  自动机器人的机械结构 5

    3.2  控制系统的硬件设计 8

    3.3  本章小结 16

    4 信号采集处理系统设计

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