



    1. 分析康复机器人Armeo的肌肉-手臂-机械臂组合模型动力学构造,推导其拉格朗日方程并建模。

    2. 在康复机器人Armeo模型基础上设计PID控制器并完成仿真。

    3. 在康复机器人Armeo模型基础上设计自抗扰控制器并完成轨迹跟踪,将仿真结果与PID控制器相比较。


    毕业论文关键词  Armeo中风康复机器人 肌肉-手臂-机械臂模型 PID 自抗扰


    Title    Research of robotic-assisted stroke rehabilitation  system with ADRC control law                                                


    This essay is a summary and an explanation of the subject of this graduation design, which is ‘Research of robotic-assisted stroke rehabilitation system with ADRC control law’. Stroke is a serious threat to the health of the elderly,which leads to the loss of motor function in patients and related complications, especially the loss of upper limb motor function, which greatly affects the patient's daily life.    

    The combination of the development of robot technology and clinical rehabilitation medicine provided a good opportunity for rehabilitative robot research. A robot equipped with an ADRC controller can guarantee good control accuracy in unknown strongly nonlinear and uncertain disturbance conditions.

    The main work of this essay:

    1. Analyze the rehabilitation robot’s muscle-arm-robotic arm dynamics model structure and derived its model with Lagrange equation modeling.

    2. On the basis of the model structure, design and perform ADRC trajectory tracking.

    3. Design and implement PID trajectory tracking and compare it with ADRC.

    Simulation results show that compared with conventional PID controller, the ADRC controller has the advantages of rapid stabilization, smaller overshoot and more robust to uncertain disturbances.

    Key words Armeo stroke rehabilitation robot muscle-arm model PID ADRC 


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 突破性的创新—自抗扰技术 2

    1.3 本文主要工作 3

    2 肌肉模型和手臂-机械臂系统模型 4

    2.1 肌肉模型 5

    2.2手臂-机械臂组合模型 5

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