    毕业论文关键词:LabVIEW  虚拟仪器 远程控制 虚拟示波器
    Abstract  The oscilloscope is a measuring instrument. Electrical signal into a substantial, figurative oscilloscope waveform processing. In the repair of large control equipment, electronic product testing and research projects in the oscilloscope to play a huge role, with the development of electronic technology, At the same time, persification oscilloscope function of people has become an important indicator to measure its value.
        Virtual oscilloscope is a product of the rapid development of virtual instruments,  compatibility, From the development trend of electronic technology, the development direction of the oscilloscope is the virtual instrument technology and Internet technologies, enabling remote control, data sharing, virtual oscilloscope will be applied to more and more into people's lives.
        In this paper, based on LabVIEW of networked virtual digital oscilloscope, it not only has a traditional oscilloscope displays waveform parameter automatic measurement, spectrum analysis and other functions, but also realize the remote control and data sharing oscilloscope, making real-time communication oscilloscope possible.
    Keywords: LabVIEW  Virtual Instrument  Remote Control  Oscilloscope
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    1绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景与意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状综述    2
    1.3研究目标与要求    3
    2系统设计方案分析论证    4
    2.1系统结构总体方案    4
    2.2系统硬件设计方案分析论证    4
    2.2.1 DAQ设计方案论证    4
    2.2.2 DAQ选型论证    5
    2.2.3示波器探头选型方案论证    7
    2.3远程控制技术实现的方案论证    9
    2.3.1 TCP/IP协议论证    9
    2.3.2 DataSocket(DS)技术的论证    9
    2.3.3 共享变量通信方案论证    10
    2.4滤波降噪方案论证    10
    2.4.1调用MATLAB语言方案论证    11
    2.4.2利用LabVIEW自带的数字滤波器设计方案论证    11
    3 LabVIEW系统软件设计    13
    3.1虚拟仪器的设计原则    13
    3.2虚拟示波器前面板的设计    14
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