    毕业论文关键词:  可编程逻辑控制器     控制系统    自动识别     货料 
     Along with social progress, technological development, market competition is becoming increasingly fierce,each company had to develop the technology, in order to increase market competitiveness, this kind of phenomenon in those who need to identify the material and storage company, in the production activities of the past, are using artificial means to work, this not only reduces the production efficiency, and greatly increased the cost of production of various phenomena show that these companies must change the structure of production, so the material automatically identify the buffer control system into the enterprise's first choice. For some of the problems before, automatic identification of material buffer control system can be well solved, the system can be run automatically, reduce operating costs, reduce the artificial error, increase the production efficiency.
    This article mainly tells the goods material design of the control system of automatic identification buffer, the system uses PLC as the control core, combined with the sensor technology, pneumatic technology and so on technical support, so that the system can complete the goods identification, automatic inbound and outbound movements. This system has high precision, fast response, easy to control, etc.
    Because as the requirement of production, a PLC program design also can make a big change, but also to the lack of personal ability as well as the time is limited, so I in the design of the program to remove the function of some not necessary, and try my best to learn the basic function of the automatic identification of goods material buffer control system: the conveyor belt when available to run automatically, automatic identification of sensor, gas to material goods automatic warehousing function, the library automated outbound when full function.
     Keywords:  Programmable logic controllers      Control System
             Automatic Identification      Material goods
    目  录
    摘   要    I
    Abstract    II
    1 绪论    1
    1.1课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2自动识别系统发展史    1
    1.3本系统的基本工作原理及主要程序    1
    1.4本论文的主要工作    2
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