    1、    焊接机器人伺服控制系统的研究。
    2、    基于PID的伺服控制系统研究。
    3、    焊接机器人伺服控制系统软件设计。研究伺服控制系统软件的设计方法,包括控制系统中主程序的设计、捕捉中断服务程序的设计,Tl周期中断服务程序的设计、CAN接收中断服务程序的设计和CAN总线传输错误中断服务程序的设计等。此外,本课题给出了上位机和下位机的通信接口协议,主要是为方便上位机的开发而设置的。
    4、    焊接机器人系统安装调试及实验分析。在硬件设计和软件设计的基础上,结合KUKA焊接机器人的机械臂,实现焊接机器人系统的安装与调试。研究焊接机器人示教过程,结合本课题所设计的焊接机器人控制系统,使用KUKA焊接机器人机械臂做焊接实验。
    毕业论文关键词:焊接机器人,伺服控制,DSP,模糊PID 控制
    With the development of industry, manual labor cannot meet the needs of industrial production. In the birth of the industrial robot can replace the more expensive labor, while improving the work efficiency and product quality. The application of industrial robot includes welding, paint, assembly, collection and placement, product testing and testing, etc. All work is highly efficient, durability, speed and accuracy. Due to the welding of radiation, dust, high risk and the traditional manual welding of large amount of labor, poor accuracy, low efficiency. So the welding robot came into being and in industrial robots more widely used. The birth of the welding robot has a huge role in promoting the development of manufacturing industry.
    In this thesis, a new welding robot servo control system is proposed based on DSP. The fuzzy PID algorithm is used to control the simulation experiments of the control system with MATLAB, and the ideal control effect is achieved. The main research contents of this paper are as follows:
    1. Research on servo control system for welding robot.
    2. Research on servo control system based on PID.
    3. Welding robot servo control system software design. Study of servo control system software design method, including the control system main program design, capture interrupt service program design and TL cycle interrupt service program design, can receive interrupt service program design and can bus transmission error interrupt service program design. In addition, the communication interface protocol of the upper computer and the lower computer is given, which is mainly for the development of the upper computer.
    4. Welding robot system installation and experiment analysis. On the basis of hardware design and software design, the robot arm of KUKA welding robot is realized and the installation and debugging of welding robot system is realized. The welding robot teaching process is studied, and the welding robot manipulator is welded with the robot arm of KUKA welding robot.
    Key Words: welding robot, servo control, DSP, fuzzy PID control
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