



    再者,本文在当下所使用的管道原油输送与加热系统的基础上,运用电脑智能化管理以及一些化学知识,绘制管道原油输送与加热系统的模型,并利用Pro/E软件的强大的硬件绘制、系统框架建构、装配和系统动画制作等功能,并配合3ds Max制作、渲染系统工作动画来模拟、演示整个智能系统的工作情况。

    关键词:原油输送与加热系统的模型;Pro/E;3ds Max;智能化

    Design of heating system for intelligent crude oil transportation

    ABSTRACT:Pipeline transportation of crude oil is widely used in the current industrial field of crude oil transportation, but also the operating cost is low, the most economical and effective way to transport. Transportation of crude oil pipeline always occurs some effects of crude oil transportation technology and safety problems, such as chemical composition of precipitation, wax and other dangerous phenomenon, the phenomenon besides affected by the factors of temperature and tube wall temperature, crude oil composition, flow rate, pipe pressure on the road surface characteristics and pipeline, many factors about, is a very complex problem. The wax, asphaltene and resin in the crude oil will be deposited on the tube wall after long time flowing through the pipe, so that the original conveying resistance will increase. Which leads to the inner wall of oil pipeline wax phenomenon, and this phenomenon is the main reason leading to the reduction of pipeline transport capacity, and even cause serious accidents, causing great security risks to pipeline transportation.

    In order to solve the transmission problem of crude oil, a simple heating device is arranged between each station. In the temperature of crude oil dropped to cannot transport of temperature which is unable to transport safety arrived in the next station temperature before, the heating, to transport crude oil temperature rises to the demand of temperature, so as to improve the fluidity of high pour point and high viscosity oil, reduce transportation resistance, increasing the transportation capacity of crude oil plus. Present a very effective remedial measures, for coagulation tube and other dangerous event occurred before, first of its were dealt with in a timely manner, to ensure the quality of the crude oil transportation and the transfer process and pipeline safety engineering can, of course, need to design a more efficient, more intelligent system.

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