


    Abstract: Audio amplifier has a circuit element. The scale of the logic circuit and other characteristics, this paper for audio amplification circuit encountered in the design of parameters matching, circuit debugging complex etc., with Proteus simulation software platform, designs a kind of high efficiency and simple operation, audio amplification system.The circuit system is composed of pre amplifier module, tone adjustment module, power amplifier module, through adjusting circuit components and parameters, in the Proteus Software Platform of each circuit module of circuit design and simulation analysis. In the PROTEUS simulation environment, the circuit can amplify and transmit the weak audio signal in high efficiency, and realize the function of audio frequency amplification.. The circuit module of the system design is simple, clear structure, low cost, has good popularization value for life amplifier, power amplifier equipment and many other fields.

    Key words:Audio amplifier,Proteus, Simulation test

    1 前言 3

    2 Proteus软件及其对实验教学的意义 4

    2.1 Proteus软件 4

    2.2 基于Proteus仿真技术的音频放大电路设计思路及其意义 4

    3 音频放大电路系统设计 5

    3.1 设计要求 5

    3.2 系统总体框架图 5

    3.3 总体设计图 4

    4 功能模块的设计 6

    4.1 前置放大模块 6

    4.2 音量控制模块 7

    4.3 功率放大模块 7

    4.4 电源模块 8

    5 Proteus设计与仿真 9

    5.1 音频放大电路的Proteus设计与仿真 9

    5.1.1 前置放大器电路仿真和分析 9 电路组成 9 电路测试与分析 10

    5.2.1 音量调节电路仿真和分析 10 电路组成 10 电路测试与分析 10

    5.2.2 OCL功率放大电路的仿真和分析 12 电路组成 12 参数测试 13

    5.2.3 电源模块 13

    5.2.4 音频放大电路 14

    5.3 音频放大电路测试和分析 15

    结  论

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