


    Design of Fault - aware System for Wind turbine By UAV

    ABSTRACT:Wind energy as a new energy technology is more mature, and has a larger development prospects and scale of one of the power generation. In the wind turbine installed capacity increased year by year, the wind power market, the reliability and stability of the wind turbine put forward higher requirements. At present, the wind turbine sensor system in addition to the wind, the rest of the components are equipped with the relevant sensor for fault diagnosis. This paper will use Pro / E simulation software to design a simulation animation, based on the model of wind turbine and UAV, to create the mechanical connection of the system, and to simulate the surface of the wind turbine and the unmanned aerial vehicle. When the wind turbine is in working condition, the UAV carries the infrared thermal imager and the high-definition camera to photograph the wind turbine blade blades, and analyzes the video collected by the camera, and verifies the unmanned aerial vehicle to diagnose the fan blades of the wind turbine The design of the rationality, feasibility.

    Keywords: wind turbine;blade failure;unmanned aerial vehicle;Pro/E;troubleshooting


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 选题的背景与意义 1

    1.1.1 选题的背景 1

    1.1.2 选题的意义 1

    1.2 国内外发展现状 2

    1.3 本文研究内容 4

    第二章 基于Pro/E的设计机构运动仿真 6

    2.1 Pro/E软件作用概述 6

    2.2 风电机组的造型建模 6

    2.2.1 风电机组风轮造型建模 7

    2.2.2风电机组机舱与塔架造型建模 8

    2.3 无人机的造型建模 10

    2.3.1无人机的选择 10

    2.3.2无人机的造型建模 12

    2.4风电机组无人机系统的装配设计 12

    2.4.1无人机螺旋桨的装配 13

    2.4.2无人机机身的装配 17

    2.4.3风电机组无人机系统装配 23

    2.5风电机组无人机系统的机构运动仿真 31

    2.5.1 旋转轴伺服电动机的仿真建立 32

    2.5.2无人机工作状态的机构运动 36

    2.5.3机构运动模拟的回放与分析 40

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