


    毕业论文关键词:一次调频 变速恒频 风电机组 稳定性


    Title  The Control Strategy Study of Wind Turbines Participation in Primary Frequency Regulation                                                                                 

    Abstract With the consumption of non-renewable energy, renewable energy has been gaining national attention. Wind energy as a renewable clean energy, has the advantages of the inexhaustible and does not pollute the environment, and is replacing coal-fired power gradually. Due to unstable wind energy can’t be stored, the traditional wind turbine system does not contribute to the moment of inertia, and that will influence the grid frequency too much. In order to improve the penetration of wind power, we need to study the impact of wind turbines on the grid frequency control. variable speed constant frequency (VSCF) wind turbine can improve the wind energy acquisition and conversion efficiency, is very suitable for the operation of the wind turbine, and is the international wind power models. Therefore, the study of VSCF wind turbine in grid primary frequency control method has a very important practical significance.

    This paper introduces the basic principles of primary frequency, and then introduced the VSCF unit to participate in the primary frequency of the grid, and then in-depth study of how to use the VSCF unit implied inertia involved in the grid frequency control, and then build a simulation model using Matlab / Simulink simulation, analysis, and finally the simulation results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the control method. 

    Keywords  :Primary Frequency Regulation  Variable—speed Constant—frequency  Wind Turbines  Stability


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 常用的风电机组及其介绍 2

    1.3 风力发电的基本原理及发展现状 2

    1.3.1 风力发电的基本原理 2

    1.3.2 国外风力发电的发展现状 4

    1.3.3 国内风力发电的发展现状 5

    1.4 风力发电的并网对电网的影响 6

    1.5 变速恒频风电机组参与电网一次调频 6

    1.5.1 变速恒频风电机组参与一次调频的研究意义

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