

    毕业论文关键词  变频器  谐波分析  FFT   仿真



    Title  Harmonic Analysis and the  Suppressing  Method of  Inverter                                            


    Abstract With the continuous development of power electronics technology, AC motor frequency control technology maturing, the inverter because of its excellent speed performance and significant energy savings using the increasingly wide range, but with the motor frequency control technology , the output side of the inverter circuit high harmonic generation makes harmonic pollution is getting worse, its load and around the negative impact of electrical devices is increasingly a cause for concern.Firstly, the basic structure of the inverter and the development of a detailed analysis of the current situation, and use of the voltage inverter SPWM technology harmonic analysis, and finally Matlab simulation used to establish a drive system, the inverter harmonic problems simulation and study of various parameters on the inverter harmonics, then put forward a method to suppress harmonics.Paper Simulation results show that: the input side of the inverter can be effectively added to the filter inductor filter, LC filter on the output side to join the harmonic suppression has an obvious role, LR filter is ineffective.

    Keywords  Inverter   Harmonic analysis   FFT   Simulation

    目  录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1课题研究的背景及意义 1

    1.2国内外变频器谐波分析与抑制研究现状 4

    1.3 论文的主要工作 6

    2 变频器谐波分析基础 7

    2.1 傅里叶级数 7

    2.2 SPWM控制技术 10

    2.3 谐波的影响 12

    2.4 谐波抑制标准 13

    2.5变频器主电路 14

    2.6 变频器谐波分析参数 15

    2.7 本章小结 17

    3系统的建模仿真 18

    3.1 MATLAB仿真软件介绍 18

    3.2变频器调速系统的等值电路分析 18

    3.3三相交流逆变电路的建模 21

    3.3 本章小结 33

    4 变频器谐波抑制方法

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