


    Abstract: Patient with weakened or disabled hand function can not participate in social work, or even lose the ability to take care of themselves, which will result in a heavy burden to the society and the family. A passive rehabilitation training device is designed in this thesis for hand assisted rehabilitation training to solve the problems such as inefficiency, low enthusiasm and so on, which are caused by manual method mainly implemented by rehabilitation physician. Firstly, the structure, principle and performance of rheological motor based on magneto-rheological fluid for passive rehabilitation training device is introduced and design method for hand assisted rehabilitation device is discussed. The rheological motors are mounted on a support, with an angle sensor and a force sensor being installed. A two degrees of freedom rehabilitation handle is mounted on the rheological motors’ shaft, and hand rehabilitation training can be implemented by the handle. Secondly, control methods for rehabilitation training device are discussed and a controller is designed. Interesting rehabilitation games are developed in the end, and rehabilitation training can be implemented by cooperating with rehabilitation training device. The rehabilitation training device developed has many advantages such good security and stability, light weight, large output force, and so on. The degree of rehabilitation can be collected in time, which can be taken as the basis for medical doctors to make the further medical treatment, and the difficulty of rehabilitation training can be adjusted timely by patients according to their own situation. It will have very good practical value and broad application prospect.

    Key words: rehabilitation training, force interaction, rheological motor, smart material

    目  录

    1 前言 5

    1.1 背景和意义 5

    1.2 国内外发展现状 5

    1.3 存在的问题 6

    1.4 研究的主要内容 7

    2 基于磁流变液的流变电机 7

    2.1 磁流变液 7

    2.1.1 磁流变液及磁流变效应 7

    2.1.2 磁流变液的工作模式

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