


    毕业论文关键字  高速铁路  安全运营  评价体系  层次分析  


    Title  The comprehensive evaluation of high-speed rail safety operation management                    

    Abstract In the process of rapid development of modernization. Traffic congestion and safety issues increasingly affect the main obstacle to urban development. Among them, the high speed railway as an advanced rapidly and high transport efficiency of new passenger transport tools, it starting from the construction of the line to the operation have been attracting the attention of the people. Trains, high-speed rail is moving air in speed for efficiency at the same time, absolutely can't to pay safe for price. So, we need to constantly strengthen and improve the railway construction, enables the railway in play its unique role and at the same time to safe and efficient operation.

    This article first from the aspects of personnel, equipment, environment, management and so on problems affecting the safe operation of high-speed railway is analyzed and put forward rational Suggestions. Then high-speed rail safety evaluation model was established by applying the analytic hierarchy process (ahp), and is given the corresponding case analysis. The results show that this method can objectively

    Keywords  High Speed Rail  Security Operations  Evaluation System  AHP

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  我国高速铁路运营安全管理现状分析 1

    1.2  国外研究现状分析 3

    2  高速铁路综合评价体系 3

    2.1  列车保护和自动控制技术 4

    2.2  监测报警系统 6

    2.3  试验测试 14

    2.4  人员培训和管理 14

    2.5  应急管理 16

    3  高速铁路运行安全评价 18

    3.1  层次分析法 18

    3.2  高铁运行安全评价模型的建立 22

    4  国内高铁运营安全评价 26

    4.1  国内高铁发展简介 26

    4.2  国内高铁运行指标分析 28

    4.3  国内高铁安全评价分析 29

    结  论 31

    致  谢 32

    参考文献 33

    1  绪论

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