

    毕业论文关键词:传感器网络   目标跟踪   卡尔曼滤波   MATLAB


    Title  The Simulation of Target Tracking in Sensor Networks With only Distance Measurements


    The development of computers and communications has greatly promoted the research of sensor networks and is getting close to the original thought.The main contributions of this thesis are target tracking in WSNs.This thesis reports the situation of WSNs with only distance measurements and Kalman filtering algorithm of data fusion research .In the process of target tracking simulation, this paper gives the distance measurement, target positioning algorithm .Kalman filter is suitable for systems which can not store large amounts of data.And it is useful in target tracking.After the fusion of the data of n sensors with KF, both the current state and the future state of the system can be acquired.According to the principle of KF, in this paper,the state of targets is estimated and compared with the real value.Thus,we can research how to improve the accuracy of KF algorithm.

    Keywords    Sensor networks , Target tracking , KF , MATLAB  

    目 次

    1  绪论 5

    1.1  传感器网络简介 5

    1.2  传感器网络国内外研究现状 6

    1.3  数据融合研究现状 11

    1.4  论文的工作 13

    2  卡尔曼滤波 14

    2.1  卡尔曼滤波简介 14

    2.2  标准卡尔曼滤波原理 14

    2.3  标准Kalman滤波器 16

    2.4  卡尔曼增益与状态误差相关矩阵 23

    2.5  本章小结 27

    3  传感器网络下基于距离量测的定位算法 28

    3.1  测距方法 28

    3.2  多边定位 29

    3.3  本章小结 29

    4  数据仿真 30

    4.1  设计传感器网络环境 30

    4.2  仿真量测 30

    4.3  目标定位 31

    4.4  状态估计与滤波算法 32

    4.5  仿真成果 33

    结  论 37

    致  谢 39

    参考文献 40

    1  绪论

    1.1  传感器网络简介

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